Green Goes Simple

Junk Drawer No More

Does your peace of mind go out the window when you can�t find what you need? Here�s how to organize ...

This spring, make a commitment to organize your junk drawer (or drawers!). Digging into your junk will reveal forgotten treasures, and clearing the clutter will bring you peace of mind. Currently, your junk drawer is probably a tangle of extension cords, safety pins, pens and scraps of paper, but you can regain order and turn this black-hole space into a user-friendly utility drawer.

Control Those Wires
Extension cords, extra cell phone chargers and miscellaneous USB cords often find a home in the junk drawer. Tame those wild wires by storing them in paper towel or toilet paper tubes.

Stash the Small Stuff
Why waste time digging for safety pins, paper clips and thumbtacks? You don’t need to buy pricey organizers, either. Keep your small stuff organized by slotting them in empty film canisters, ice cube trays or baby food jars.

Create Compartments
Transform a freeform, unorganized junk drawer into a high-functioning storage space by creating large compartments. Use utensil trays to store scissors, screwdrivers and other tools. Or create separate spaces in the drawer by standing up pieces of cardboard.



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