Beauty & Confidence

I dread doing summer yard work because it stirs up my seasonal allergies. How can I avoid getting an allergy attack?

I dread doing summer yard work because it stirs up my seasonal allergies. How can I avoid getting an...

In the morning, the dew keeps the dust and pollen from rising. The same is true after it rains, and although it may be easier to rake when leaves aren’t wet, the moisture will keep the pollen from flying. You should also of course avoid doing yard work on days with very high pollen counts.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology also recommends that ragweed sufferers wear a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved N95 respirator mask while mowing, raking, gardening or performing other similar outside yard work. You can buy these masks online and at medical-supply stores.

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