Completely You

I’m worried about bacteria on my toothbrush. Can I disinfect it in the dishwasher?

I’m worried about bacteria on my toothbrush. Can I disinfect it in the dishwasher?

No, and don’t zap it in the microwave, either! If you do, you’ll damage the toothbrush and its bristles, compromising your oral care.

There’s really no good evidence to support doing anything beyond simply rinsing your toothbrush after using it and storing it in an upright position, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you still want to go the extra mile, soak your toothbrush in a cup of mouth rinse for 30 seconds, then let it air-dry, says Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus, a cosmetic dentist in Brooklyn Heights, New York.

Other helpful tips for your oral care hygiene:

  • Store your toothbrush away from those of other family members to avoid spreading bacteria.
  • Don’t cover your toothbrush or keep it in a closed container. Lack of air exposes it to extra humidity that promotes bacterial growth.
  • For optimal effectiveness, replace your toothbrush every two to three months.

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